WRK Digital


Technology Leadership

Specialising within Technology our Leadership Practice focusses on Search & Retained Assignments.

WRK digital have a robust Search Methodology, however take a technology native and agile approach to these engagements, ensuring we meet the demanding nature of the process.

In years gone by, a Search could take 3-6 months (plus a notice period, often longer), this is nonsense in our opinion, and we have a proven approach that WRKs.

The largest time-consuming element of any Search is the market mapping / research element involved, however through the use of AI built into our systems, the market maps we hold are being updated in real time, taking away a large portion of this time. 

Allowing our people to focus on the value-add actions – headhunting, referrals, network / community building and bespoke searching to each mandate. The combined approach allows us to reduce our Shortlist time to 4-6 weeks (a 50% time saving).

Equally, by partnering the Technology Leadership community we know them personally; we have invested in the relationship, usually over many years, to ensure we understand where and when they will be able to perform at their best and our clients are delighted with the results.

Aligned to our core values we have built trust-based relationships, allowing us to access this talent at pace.

We love partnering this community; the complexity of the problems that often need solving, a vast array of business priorities that need managing and the fine balancing of people, process, change,  innovation,  insight, finance and BAU make for wonderful conversations.

Our Tech Leadership Practice is suited to an organisation wanting to secure exceptional talent, deployed at pace, that is a step ahead of the market. Fractional Assignments, Interim Managers and Permanent Headcount can all be delivered via this practice.