U-oh – we failed; I mean learnt a lot in the first four weeks…
– Bertie operates on a strict 2-hour policy, if he isn’t outside every 2 hours, we have one bouncy
puppy, and in the shoebox we currently call home, that makes for an interesting environment!
– I forgot to update our invoices & expenses in the system – Ok, I’m not sure I forgot but it wasn’t
top of my “Cannot wait to get out of bed and do that…” list. And then I forgot…
– I tried to set up a new automation feature in the CNAME DNS. Couldn’t. Got frustrated. Then
turned them all off accidentally. PS: I still have no idea what a CNAME is, but it’s very important.
– I spent way too much time worrying about how we would be received in the market.
Phew, my weekly confessional is out of the way. *If you’re looking for a new role and want to work
alongside normal humans, who fail, laugh and move on… we are hiring ☺
However, what did I learn?
– I ran out time to do the invoices and spent more time with clients… the invoices can be done
next week; the business won’t crumble, and we helped someone with something they had been
struggling with – a much better use of time. Plus, VAT is quarterly, and Sally wasn’t annoyed.
– Yes, killing our automation system wasn’t ideal… but Hearfish Support is brilliant, and we are
new, so a “turn it off and on again” was basically enough to fix it.
– I accidentally sent a test invoice to a client… keen I’ll agree, but I had to learn how to raise one
and I didn’t know the system was integrated, would find the contact and then “send”… but, no
one was annoyed, someone was confused, but all was forgiven.
– Everyone has been lovely, those who are close to us have been phenomenal supporters and from
almost every corner we have found positivity. LDF week has probably helped as we have been
able to meet people at Festival events, but the cards and chocolates from old friends / contacts
out of the blue have been amazing.
– Yes, Bertie was annoyed he missed his 10.30 “wee-wee” break. But the £37.99 spent in Pets at
Home that evening on a new bed, rope toys, and some chicken mix treats… all was forgiven. And
when we ran to the lift at 11, he made it… and is still “a very good boy”
I’m pretty sure we are going to fail a lot. I’m certain it’s not going to be out of malice. Therefore, I’m
totally ok with it.
Some of this is obviously a little tongue in cheek, but we are trying. I will always strive to do the right
thing, we will build a company that people can be proud to work for, excited to work with, and be
authentic in the way we operate. Everyone fails.
BUT… we have already helped three people into new roles, we have been invited to work with some
amazing clients, and we are excited at bringing a superb new addition to the team in the coming weeks.
We are getting our business right. We have a small team of amazing people who are truly brilliant at what
they do; James and Katie inspire me every day with their passion and drive. They are experts in their field,
and I am proud to call them colleagues, friends and co-founders. We are great at supporting clients who
need to find exceptional technologists and leaders, if we don’t quite get the CRM right first (or second)
time… that’s fine.
Today we are a failure, but if the last two paragraphs represent failure, I’m cool with it ☺